Welcome from the President

I have just spent a week in Oban, Argyle, Scotland for the 2024 International Gathering hosted by our Clan Chief, Morag MacDougall of MacDougall of Dunollie.

On behalf of our Chief and myself, I would like to welcome anyone affiliated with Clan MacDougall to our nonprofit website. I would also like to welcome all affiliated with the Clan MacDowall. These two clans have been intertwined throughout history.

Our organization’s purpose is to preserve, present, and perpetuate the heritage, traditions, and customs of both these Clans. With this major purpose in mind, I hope you will support Clan MacDougall Society of North America in any and every way YOU possibly can. This support can manifest in many ways. The main way is to donate to the organization. All donations are tax deductible in the United States. Contributions of $25 or more create benefits to you as a contributor. These benefits include information and support with YDNA programs, Genealogical research, a voice in our Raven and Tartan through articles submitted to our Editors, and “Member Only” areas of our website – just to get started. While we do NOT conduct a Y-DNA (or any other DNA) testing or programs, we do have a partner organization that does. Currently (August 2024), our genealogical databases are being digitized. Until that work is finished, you will find that our organization has historians, researchers, and volunteers who are more than capable of assisting you or pointing you in the right direction for your heritage, history, and customs needs and curiosities. Please search our site, join us on Social Media sites (Facebook, X, InstaGram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more). We are here to serve.

IF you would like to join our Team of Volunteers, we are also more than happy to have YOU on our Team. Please reach out to any of our Board Members, Executive Officers, or Social Media Admins. YOU make this Organization run! Help us keep the services and purposes alive for the next Generation.

Join us in person at the Highland Games posted on our Events Page! Any questions, contact us!

Best Regards,
Misha Lowther
CMSNA President, 2023-26