Clan Names

includes variant spellings of MacDougall and MacDowall with or without the ” Mc ” or ” Mac ” or ” M’ ” prefix.
Eunson Coles Cowan Dougal Dougall Dowall Dowell Dugal
Dugald Howell Howells Lucas MacClintock MacConcher MacCoul MacCowan
MacCowell MacCoyle MacDill MacDool MacDougal MacDougall MacDoul MacDowall
MacDowell MacDugald MacEowen MacEwan MacEwen MacHale MacHowell MacLinden
MacLintock MacNamell MacOual Macoul Macoull MacOwan MacOwen Macowl
Surnames of families who have been associated with Clan MacDougall in Argyll:
Carmichael of Argyll 


Livingston(e) of Argyll








Coul/Kyle/Cole Names and Clan MacDowall 

The names Coull, McCoul, Cole, Coyle, and Kyle, with or without the Mac, Mc, or M’ prefix, are found within Clan MacDowall. Some of these names are more ancient than the name Macdowall itself, and some appear in other clans and families also, especially in Clan MacDougall.

There is an independent Kyle Family Society based in the US with a web site at Chief Fergus Macdowall is the Patron of the Kyle Family Society. In its Society name, the Kyle Family Society uses the surname “Kyle” for simplicity to encompass all variations of its surname spellings and pronunciations. The Society has members with several origins and spellings of the surname. Surname spellings and their variations include:

Cael, Caeles, Caelus, Caelius, Cill, Cil, Coales, Coales, Coel, Coelius, Cole, Cola, Coil, Coile, Coils, Coilius, Colees, Coles, Coleye, Colles, Collye, Colye,  Cooals, Cooils, Cooles, Cooyles, Cooyell, Cooylles, Coull, Coyl, Coyles, Coyll, Coylle, Coylles, Coyls, Cyll, Kaal, Kaale, Kail, Kaile, Kaul, Kayle, Kayll, Keil, Kile, Koil, Koile, Koiles, Koill, Koyel, Koyl, Kuyle, Kyolle, Kyle, Kyll, Kylle and others.

In 2005 Clan Chief Fergus Macdowall confirmed that Kyle families and their surname variations, if they so wish, will be accepted as clan members as variants of the Coull, McCoul, etc. name of the Clan MacDowall. As members of Clan MacDowall these families are eligible to join the Clan MacDougall Society of North America and to participate in its games, parades, and other activities.